SEPAR Update – Spring 2022

Many of the local hams have been assisting in activities and projects which ultimately help and prepare the Amateur Radio Operators in Surrey and the surrounding areas to assist with communications should normal systems fail. We have a broad group of interests from digital modes, Linux fans, contesters, and experimenters to which we can add many newly licensed radio operators thanks to the regular offering of training classes through SARC.

With the Operations and Training Center (OTC) at the Volunteer Emergency Program Building we are able to meet weekly, learn, build and train.

At the OTC building the ongoing development of the station on site has been remarkable. Two high power HF positions and VHF/UHF also available. There has been considerable work on improving WIFI at the site to hopefully allow for remote station operation of the radios. Of course the physical site always needs attention and one of the biggest areas we have recognized is the roof. The nearby trees drop leaves which block the downspouts and leave standing water in deep pools on the roof. This means reopening the clogged drains and once the water is gone, blowing the material off the roof. The last time this was discovered as we were planning on installing a new roof top mast and discone antenna on one corner of the roof.

We also have a couple of new 220 mobile radios, so a 220Mhz antenna will also need to be built and mounted. The second 220mhz radio will be mounted in the SEPAR Trailer.

Back to the OTC there is also an ongoing project with the main tower antenna and grounding to help improve the efficiency of the antenna. Again, lots of learning and understanding is happening as a result. It is very encouraging to see when visiting a hams home QTH to see learnings from Saturday mornings being applied to improve signals and installation. As well, to hear improved signals during weekly nets is also very rewarding.

Each week we have been maintaining our weekly nets both as part of the emergency program and the SARC net as a social time. Some of the newly licensed operators have been taking a try and running the net.

Again, with minimal coaching and a well written script it is rewarding to see and hear these new hams stepping up and getting on the air. As we do have both 440 and 220 repeaters, as well as primary and secondary simplex frequencies that we use, it is time to expand the nets from 2m only, to also testing and trying our other frequencies. I encourage the local participants to look up the available SARC repeaters and to make sure you have them programmed into your radios so we can “switch over” to other bands as part of our weekly exercises.

Another sign that things are changing is an invitation made to SEPAR from the city to participate in a public demonstration in front of a local recreation facility . It is time to encourage residents to volunteer and take part in being prepared. SEPAR will set up the Trailer and grab and go Kits as part of the display.

This activity will again help us to focus on what we do and why. It should help us test some of the equipment and give an opportunity for some of the newer members to explain why they are involved and became licensed.

It is exciting to be able to get back out into our community and use our radios. I encourage everyone to be involved, develop a family communication plan and learn the local emergency program plan in your area. As an Amateur Radio operator your skills using your own equipment will be invaluable when something happens that takes away some of the normal communication methods.

As always please reach out if you have any questions or comments or if you would like to participate in the SEPAR program within Surrey.

If you are interested in the SEPAR program, and wish to become more involved, please let us know. Our website is and there is a contact form to get in touch with  us.

IMERS Monthly Check-In

Once a month (the first Wednesday) SEPAR attends Fire Hall 1 Radio room and participates on behalf of the Fire (City) on checking into the Inter-Municipal Emergency Radio System. This is a short net which we check into, testing the radio. The time is between 10:45-11:30am each month. If you are interested in learning how this is done please let me know and we will get you trained in this.

Field Day

June 25-26 (Saturday and Sunday).

Work is underway to plan this years Field Day. More information to follow, please mark you calendars. Let me know if you can help volunteer to work on the event organization/planning, setup, operation, teardown etc.

This is the largest radio event of the year and it would be great if you can help out.

SEPAR Website Members Area

The SEPAR Website has a members only area. If you do not have access and are a SEPAR member please let me know and we can add you to access this area.

The SEPAR website includes, photos, documents (net scripts etc.) as well as a calendar. The website is


If you have a SEPAR Vest can you please let me know. I will be following up with those who have been assigned a vest previously.

As always please reach out if you have any questions or comments or if you would like to participate in the SEPAR program within Surrey.

If you are interested in the SEPAR program, and wish to become more involved, please let us know. Our website is and there is a contact form to get in touch with us.

Hyack Parade

The New Westminster Hyack International Parade is back! The date will be  Saturday, May 28 after a hiatus due to COVID. Each year in New Westminster the Hyack Parade is held and assistance with communications is supported by the amateur radio community. This is an excellent opportunity to provide some community service and learn how event communications are done. You do not need to be an “experienced” operator to volunteer. A willingness to learn and a handheld radio with a charged battery is all that is needed.

Please let me know whether you will be able to help. May 28 seems like a long way off, but is less than 8 weeks away! I know how much the Hyack Association and the City of New Westminster appreciate our services.

As always, new hams are very welcome. No experience is necessary, we can certainly buddy up any brand new hams with an experienced operator.

~ Gord Kirk VA7GK
  SEPAR Coordinator