SEPAR Update – January 2022

The Surrey Emergency Program Amateur Radio is having its first meeting of 2022. A reminder that we normally meet on the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month. Due to pandemic restrictions, we will be meeting via Zoom once again. The link is below.

This will be a business meeting where we will discuss plans for 2022 activities.

We do have some of the Surrey Amateurs working on projects that will benefit Surrey in an emergency as well as keeping the hobby interesting for you. As well the RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) have announced some changes to how they will support emergency communications and ARES in Canada, we will try and keep everyone current on these changes.

Our website has been moved and updated. The previous Shutterfly site has been updated and we will continue to add new content and members only materials.

As well over the next few weeks I will be reaching out to each of you to confirm you are still wanting to:

                1. Be active with SEPAR

                2. Are interested in remaining on the email distribution list.

We welcome your continued participation as a licensed amateur radio operator who is interested in Emergency Preparedness.

As well I want to remind everyone of the weekly 2m radio net. This is on Tuesday nights on the VE7RSC repeater

147.360 + Tone 110.9 or using the south repeater same frequency with a Tone of 103.5

We also run a digital net each week with updates provided to those signed up via Winlink. If you would like to participate in this, please let me know. Ion VE7NL has been managing this.

We also want to remind everyone we do have the Operations and Training Center open on Saturday mornings to help with radio set up, questions etc. If you need help, please let us know your plan for coming so we can try and make sure we are prepared to help you out. Just a reminder that COVID protocols do apply here.

I hope you are able to join us this Thursday, the information on how to join us is below.

If you have any questions, please let me know. If you need access to the Zoom meeting and do not have the details, please contact me.


Gord Kirk, VA7GK

SEPAR Coordinator