Tuesday at 20:00 local time
on 147.360MHz+ tone: 110.9Hz
Net Manager: Reg Natarajan VA7ZEB
SARC Net Controller Script PDF
GOTA NET (For newly licensed amateurs)
Thursday at 20:00 local time
on 147.360MHz+ tone: 110.9Hz
Net Manager: Wayne VE7WVX
GOTA Net Controller Script PDF
Tuesday at 19:30 local time
on 147.360MHz+ tone: 110.9Hz
Net Manager: Jason Biggin VA7ITJ
SEPAR Net Controller Script
Winlink Net
Winlink message to participants will send out 1st and 3rd Monday
Each Winlink message will contain:
1. A question/request for action
2. A tip
3. Summary result of previous week’s question/action if possible.
You have up to Sunday of the same week to reply.
To signup, send a Winlink message:
Subject: Winklink Net Signup
Any Winlink mode welcome, including Telnet.
Click here for Local Nets Calendar